A last-minute babysitter request refers to seeking childcare services on short notice, often due to unexpected changes in plans or emergencies. This service accommodates parents who need immediate assistance, providing a reliable babysitter on short notice to ensure their child’s safety and care.We can accommodate a few last-minute requests for babysitters on an agreeable basis, ensuring your childcare needs are met promptly and professionally.

Our Story

Providing essential postnatal support during the first six weeks, a time when vigilant care can prevent maternal and neonatal deaths or complications.

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 4 PM
Emergency Available!


Kyaliwajjala, UGANDA
Phone: + (256) 787- 411369
Phone: + (256) 753-075213
Email: [email protected]

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